
Enhanced Tab Splitter for Google Chrome

2023年11月27日 — Enhanced Tab Splitter is a handy Chrome extension developed by sessionpaw that allows users to split the active tab and all tabs to its right ...

How to open two Chrome tabs in Android's split

2024年2月12日 — Tap the Chrome icon at the top of the screen and select “Split top,” on phones using Google's own standard version of Android, or select “Open ...


This is a Chrome and Edge extension to split a tab from a browser window, or merge a single-tab window into another browser window.

Multitask with windows & tabs

You can finish tasks faster by reorganizing and moving your windows and tabs. Switch between windows quickly. Press and hold Alt, then tap Tab until you get to ...

Split Tabs

Split Tabs - Split your screen into separate Tabs with ease. Resize opened tabs right into layouts on separate windows with multiple displays support.

Tab Merger Splitter

2023年5月13日 — This is a Chrome extension to split a tab from a browser window (Alt + Shift + X), or merge a single-tab window into another browser window (Alt ...

Tab Resize - split screen layouts

The ORIGINAL Tab Resize. Split Screen made easy. Resize the CURRENT tab and tabs to the RIGHT into layouts on separate windows.

Tab Split

Tab Split is a Chrome extension that makes your homepage tabs open in different windows and across multiple screens.


2023年11月27日—EnhancedTabSplitterisahandyChromeextensiondevelopedbysessionpawthatallowsuserstosplittheactivetabandalltabstoitsright ...,2024年2月12日—TaptheChromeiconatthetopofthescreenandselect“Splittop,”onphonesusingGoogle'sownstandardversionofAndroid,orselect“Open ...,ThisisaChromeandEdgeextensiontosplitatabfromabrowserwindow,ormergeasingle-tabwindowintoanotherbrowserwindow.,Youcanfinishta...